Emilie Thorpe
June 17, 2024

International Women's Day

Eyup, Happy International Women’s Day!


It’s International Women’s Day! Let’s get talking…

Today, like any day, is about celebrating the achievements of all women, no matter how big or small. As a creative media agency that champion gender equality we aim to create spaces that are free from bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. What better time to sit down and have a natter with some of the people that make The Mill the place it is today? Here’s what they have to say about International Women’s Day…


Claire Ledder, Operations Manager

Celebrating the achievements of women is vital. Having access to the same career opportunities as others whilst receiving the same level of mentoring is key to creating fairness in the workplace, something we value massively in our creative media agency.

In the early parts of my career journey, I experienced a significant difference between male and female colleagues. Women often experienced a higher level of sensitivity and reluctancy to share ideas in the same way as male colleagues. I observed more doubt, less confidence, and a fear of being wrong, especially in heavily male dominated environments, which is of course hugely detrimental to the success of any creative media agency and any organisation full stop. I won’t forget the level of inequality that resonated with me during this time.

As I progressed my career journey, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to work besides amazing male advocates encouraging a shift and promoting female confidence and ability. From developing my career as a photographer working alongside Keith Moss, to joining The Mill Group 11 years ago.

Many clients and colleagues along the way in various job roles at many levels have promoted the same ethos which makes for well-rounded, well-balanced conversations.

My aim with not only women, but every colleague we employ at The Mill Group is to create an environment where they can shine. Developing skill sets, confidence in their ability and acknowledging different learning styles. We strive to encourage free speech while enabling each person to feel safe to share ideas in their own unique style and be recognised for the difference they can create by doing so. An ethos I feel is a huge part of our creative media agency.

Happy International Women’s Day and thank you to all males and females who support equality across the board to make the working environment a better, more well-rounded one.


Emilie Thorpe, Assistant Project Manager

From a young age I have been surrounded by strong, inspiring women who have helped me navigate my way through life confidently. Now approaching my mid-twenties, I feel grateful to have never experienced any form of gender bias or inequality, yet I acknowledge this is something many women struggle with, both in and outside of the workplace, and this is why it’s important to talk!

Since joining The Mill Group almost two years ago, it was instantly made clear that colleagues are valued and treated equally, with the utmost respect. Working as a part of a tight-knit creative agency, I feel confident in reaching out to peers and management to discuss any concerns regarding my personal well-being, as well as my safety within the workplace, and I hope all women are able to feel this way.


Chloe Pickles, Project Manager

International Women's Day reminds us that every workplace thrives when it embraces the unique perspectives and contributions made by women. In male dominated industries, it can often feel daunting to voice your ideas without fearing judgment. But when you are part of a team that respects and listens to you, work becomes much more enjoyable. Having a creative media agency, like The Mill Group, supporting its team so strongly has been amazing.

Looking forward to going into work every day is huge, but this can be jeopardised if women face extra hurdles in their profession. To any women that are unsure about starting a new role due to concerns about equality, my advice would be to take the leap, go for it and be confident in voicing your opinions!


Leighton Jones, Graphic Designer

I’m lucky enough to have grown up with empowered women in my life, and even luckier to have continued to surround myself with as equally powerful women in my creative career. From Graphic Designers & Project Managers to Ceramic specialists; some of my best creative outputs have been in collaboration with women in a creative space.  

As a male, I’ll never feel the impact and challenges that women may face, nor could I ever comprehend some of the negative experiences some of my current and past colleagues have faced. Be that in a creative media space or any industry. However, I’m privileged to work in a creative agency that values women and their input; a creative agency where the business and projects are led by strong women. It’s refreshing to work in a creative agency that gives women the same platform as their male counterparts and actively encourage them to speak up.

So, thank you to all the empowered women I’ve been lucky enough to work alongside and associate with. As males, let’s do more to shift the balance to a more equal creative industry, and world whilst we’re at it!

It’s clear that our team are surrounded by some incredible, inspirational women every day. Let’s continue to celebrate and empower those around us to create a more inclusive and uplifting environment. We’d love to hear from you, whether it’s stories of equality in the workplace, or just to shout up about the colleagues you love!
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